Baraka kempo
Innovative instruction for an ever changing environment.
Innovative instruction for an ever changing environment.
The world is changing.
Everyday the news inundates us with negativity.
As the divisions among people are heightened, one thing will never change: How we respond. Here at Baraka Kempo, we firmly believe in human rights and human dignity. We also believe that every person has the right to defend themselves.
We train both the mind and the body to respond to crises and develop, through specialized training,
the confidence to deal with these crises in an effective manner.
Join us today as we strive to improve ourselves through traditional martial arts training and change the world, one person at a time.
Whether you want to earn a traditional black belt, learn a little bit about mindfulness and meditation, or participate in a self defense course; we offer a solution that will meet your needs.
Give us a call today to set up a free consultation.
After over 40 years training and studying various martial arts, and with the blessing of his kempo instructor, Sensei Lucas combined the hard and soft features of several traditional martial arts into an effective self defense system. This system is internationally recognized and rooted in the original kempo teachings of James M Mitose. It contains elements of Hawaiian Kempo, Chinese Kempo, and Jeet Kune Do.
Ethical and legal issues related to self defense situations are an integral part of the curriculum.
An adaptive physical education curriculum is available for teachers that work with students with disabilities.
Call 540.335.6451 for more information.
The Baraka Kempo system takes a personal approach to instruction and allows its practitioners to make the system work for them. There are three major paths of instruction you can choose from:
The Traditional Path
A curriculum of requirements that take the practitioner from white belt ( kyu rank) to black belt ( dan rank) and beyond.
Phase Training
Training in phases is the perfect way for a non-traditional student to develop self defense skills outside the constraints of a standard curriculum. If a student later decides to pursue traditional ranking, phase training provides the essential elements to do just that.
Specialized Seminars
Short term training designed to provide you with the skills you need to achieve your goals. These goals range from verbal de-escalation techniques in crisis situations to realistic self defense techniques and even summer camps.
Sensei Lucas is available for online training or consultation.
So regardless of your age or ability level,
We will work with you to find the right training solution.
Honorable Nimr R Hassan, seated in front, and teachers of the Koga Ha Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo System.
If you have questions about the opportunities available to you in our program, send us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Or call 540.335.6451 if you have a question for Lucas Sensei.
Virtual Appointments only at this time.
Class schedule coming soon.